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Extracurricular Sports Programme 2024

Please find below our new timetabled Extracurricular Sports Programme, please note that:

- All clubs will run from 3:20pm-4:30pm, except girls fitness (until 5:30pm on Friday).
- Arrive at the sports hall changing rooms and change into school PE kit.
- Fixtures and additional competitions may occur on any night. Students will be made aware of this.
- Year 11 fixtures will be added to the programme.


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


Y10 Basketball (MRH/EHL)


Y9 Basketball (MRH)


Netball (SHG)


Staff Meetings (Fixtures may still take place)


Girls Fitness



Y9 Football (CHG)


Girls Football (SHG)


Y7 Football (JSL)




Sixth Form Football (MRH/CHG)



Gymnastics and Cheerleading (AHN)


Boys Fitness (CHG)



Y8 Football (AWD)









Badminton (Week A)

Table Tennis (Week B)



Y7-8 Basketball (CHG)








Girls Fitness (VKI)







Y10 Football (MRH)