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Information for Parents

Information for Parents

Your child will receive information about careers during their time at Abbeyfield School.  We will provide opportunities for them to develop life skills and core competencies that employers value, by enabling them to take part in employment and enterprise events. 

During Key Stage 3 our students focus on self-development. We aim for our students to have an understanding about the qualities they possess and the skills they can develop. They learn about these as part of the Key Life Skills curriculum and our CET Knowledge Connected Concept Days. From Year 7 onwards students are also provided with plenty of opportunities to explore the many different careers available to them. Every student has their own Kudos profile, which is a comprehensive careers tool that provides guided career matches based on what students like and dislike and subject pathways.

During Key Stage 4 our students focus on career pathways and employability skills. Students are provided with opportunities to network with employers through our Guest Lecture Series, Assemblies and Mock Interviews. They also develop their employability skills during tutor time, enterprise challenges and Creative Learning Days. In addition to their Kudos profile, every Year 11 student uses the Unifrog platform, which provides access to pathways and further education opportunities. It also acts as a careers passport for students to record their achievements, track their intentions and draft application materials. Year 11 students are also provided with a 1-2-1 careers interview with a qualified careers advisor form Prospects. This provision can be accessed by students in other year groups if requested.

During Key Stage 5 our students continue to focus on career pathways and employability skills. We encourage our students to gain experience of workplaces. Including traineeships through the University of Northampton. Students benefit from a fortnightly enrichment programme which facilitates personal development and events such as our Business Networking sessions with local employers. Students also visit Higher Education Institutions to get a taste of each pathway.

Ours careers strategy is designed to meet The Gatsby Benchmarks. This is a framework of 8 guidelines that define the best careers provision in schools. Therefore, all our students at Abbeyfield School are entitled to and can expect to receive:


How can you help your child with careers and employability? 

There is so much you can do to support your child:

  • Show a genuine interest!  Talk to them regularly about their ideas for the future and ask them what they see themselves doing
  • Talk to them about what you do as a job – and other job roles you have had
  • Ask your employer if they would allow you to bring your child to work one day (during school holidays)
  • In Year 10/11/12 look on the local college and 6th form websites with them, to see what courses are available
  • Help them to explore the possible employers, apprenticeship providers and further education courses available in the local area. To find out more about local labour market information, in particular the growing areas of employment, check out these handy guides

Where can you access quality careers information outside of school?

National Careers Service - Information, advice and guidance to help make decisions on learning, training and work.

Career Pilot - Careers information and tools for 11-19 year olds, all in one place.

Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) - Explore your options, apply to university, and more. 

Apprenticeships - The governments new ‘Fire it Up!’ Apprenticeship campaign provides helpful advice and information as well as access to thousands of apprenticeship opportunities across the country.

How2Become - Learn how to write a CV, how to complete an application form, how to pass selection processes and also how to pass any job interview.

For further information, please contact the careers team: