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Design and Technology

At Abbeyfield, we value practical subjects and encourage students to experience a wide range of practical opportunities. In Design and Technology, students work on a carousel system, spending one term in each of the following areas; Graphics, Resistant Materials and Food Technology.

In the Design and Technology faculty, not only are we preparing students for further study, but also for wider life. Our Learning Journeys for each subject area give you a brief insight into the areas covered in the faculty. Students have 3 lessons per fortnight.


In Food Technology, one lesson a fortnight is a practical cooking lesson. For this lesson, ingredients are provided, but students are expected to bring in their own named container to take the food away with them.

If your son/daughter has any allergies, please ensure that they/you inform the class teacher so that they can make the necessary arrangements. Information on the common allergens in our recipes can be found here.